Herbert Simon predicted two component model of memory
This reference is used to annotate "History of spaced repetition" (2018) by Piotr Wozniak
When Herbert Simon read about Jost's Laws, he instantly noticed that the second law does not go well with the exponential nature of forgetting. In a short note to Psychometrika, he predicted two component model of memory in 1966:
A forgetting curve compatible with Jost's Law can be obtained by assuming that learning is not homogeneous that, for example, the rate of forgetting depends on the extent of overlearning, and that the latter is not the same for all portions of the material learned
The term overlearning above is not the same as its modern meaning, and simply means extra learning. Today we would call it extra review or extra repetition.
Quoted excerpts come from the following reference:
Title: A note on Jost's Law and exponential forgetting
Link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/5232438
Author: Herbert A. Simon
Backlink: History of spaced repetition
Source: Psychometrika