Coercive school system is responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic

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This text is part of: "Problem of Schooling" by Piotr Wozniak (2017-2024)

School hurts

Few people agree with my claim:

Without coercive schooling there would be no covid pandemic

I insist that the current system of compulsory schooling does immense harm to the health of populations. It also does great harm to our collective intelligence. If we removed coercion today, we might need to wait a few decades before societal recovery took place. The entire body of mythology of school and "conscientious lifestyle" would need to disappear from culture. People freed today would still behave like slaves for a longer while. Perhaps for a generation?

School is not the only factor responsible for the pandemic. For example, so is air pollution, cigarette smoking, obesity, etc. However, all these still have their roots in bad education and bad habits. If you are skeptical, name the institution that does more harm than school!


I want to see the end of compulsory schooling now! It is easy to claim that it became my idée fixe. I have a huge arsenal of scientific weaponry to aim at the school system (see: Problem of schooling). School is destroying individuals by targeting their brain adaptive capacity. However, to claim that school is guilty of coronavirus for many is a step too far. To question my reasoning, see if you can question any of the individual steps below. If we did not force children to school, we would not have a pandemic today. That's obvious too me:

  • compulsory schooling is the primary constraint on freedom in childhood and adolescence
  • limits on freedom lead to learned helplessness and limited adaptability to environment
  • limits on freedom in childhood and poor adaptability make it easy to accept limits in adulthood, which leads to proliferation and survival of jobs that pay no respect to human biological and psychological needs
  • society in which most individuals do not feel free nor happy is vulnerable to addictions, and mental health problems. One of the prime symptoms of trouble in otherwise seemingly healthy individuals is obesity
  • helplessness, maladaptability and obesity are prime causes of poor health in society. They are the main contributor to skyrocketing costs of health care
  • obesity and diabetes are at the root of covid morbidity
  • in addition, school system contributes to proneness to conspiracy theories that makes citizens distrustful of government, science or health care system. In the era of pandemic, mythology surrounding the virus and vaccinations is as rich as the mythology that surrounds the school system itself
  • in addition, exercise, healthy eating and good sleep are better at preventing covid than vaccines. Once the immune system is compromised, even vaccines lose their power. Schools destroy sleep, discourage exercise, and, in consequence, make healthy eating difficult

Compulsory schooling must end. If we end compulsory schooling today, in 2-3 decades we will have healthier societies. In 4-5 decades, pandemic like that of today would not have room to spread. Healthy society with high intelligence and trust in science would easily tackle the virus. The virus would become a joke! It would stand no chance in the battle with the human brain. This is why we need to stop destroying young brains today!


If you disagree, name the institution that can do more harm to our health, mental health and intelligence. You cannot blame society. It is as it is. You cannot blame the government because it is elected by society, and the form of government bears only minor correlation with the course of the pandemic.

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