Lex Libertas

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ABC of Education Reform

#1 Freedom

If there was no morbid legacy of the Prussian system, education would flourish. Education in the connected world needs nothing to thrive. It needs no regulation and no investment.

Rule #1 of good education is freedom and rich choice

#2 Good start

To help a barren educational forest of brains and ideas, we should consider a tiny investment in the education of those who cannot even afford access to knowledge. Every brain is precious. A brain connected to the world of knowledge dramatically improves its positive power. At microscopic investment, we can make a world of difference (see: One laptop per child). In the 1950s, Milton Friedman invented a simple way to provide that initial educational springboard: school vouchers. Every child (or her parent) would receive a small amount of money to invest in her education at her own pleasure.

Rule #2 of good education is support (e.g. school vouchers)

#3 Legacy

Over the last two centuries, we have built a great edifice of complex education. This edifice today is doing more harm than good. This does not mean it should be dismantled or burnt. All its components should receive local control derived from the learn drive of participating children. A child's decision, enhanced with the wisdom of parents and teachers can be amplified with decision-making and economic power of local authority (self-government).

Rule #3 of education reform: decentralized control

Universal reform

With the above reasoning, in preliminary discussions of the Educational Round Table, we came up with a 3-point vision of the education reform.

ABC of education reform:
  1. Any form of coercion in education should be illegal
  2. Good educational start for everyone may be assisted with school vouchers
  3. Legacy of the old education system should be handed over to local authority


The proposed law is simple, but it dramatically departs from the old traditions. As such, it is very hard for ordinary folks to understand its implications. Here is some assistence: The new world of education


Further reading


 #LexLibertas (world) #LexWolnosc (Poland)


Lex Wolnosc proposed in Poland:

Student Spring 2024

This text explains the reasons and strategies behind a school strike "Student Spring 2024" aimed at ending compulsory schooling

Hashtags: #WiosnaUczniow, #StudentSpring2024

More information: