Myth: SuperMemo is hard to use
SuperMemo is hard to use. Several thousand FAQs make many think SuperMemo is complex. It may appear like a program for heavyweight professionals. This makes it seem like a program of little use to mere mortals
It is true that some users start from the "wrong end" or from pre-conceived assumptions. They may indeed get lost or frustrated. However, a well-tested and certified fact is that SuperMemo can be used effectively after a 3 minute introduction! A great part of its power (perhaps a half) can be harnessed by learning just two operations: Add new (adding new questions and answers) and Learn (making repetitions). Naturally, things get gradually more complex when you start adding multimedia, foreign language support, templates, concepts, etc. At the other end, incremental reading, a powerful reading and learning technique, may require months of practice before bringing high quality outcomes. You can easily start using SuperMemo today, and gradually build skills needed to expand its power
Myth busting is an important mission at SuperMemo Guru. We tackle myths about memory, learning, creativity, SuperMemo, and incremental reading. Please write if you want a myth busted or if you disagree