Neural creativity

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Neural creativity is a creativity technology pioneered by SuperMemo. Neural creativity can be used in learning, creativity, and in problem solving.

This is what you do to make neural creativity work:

  • collect a database of information (e.g. interesting articles from the web)
  • convert your database into durable human knowledge in the process of incremental reading
  • initiate the process of spreading activation with a single keystroke (Ctrl+F2)
  • process knowledge along the generated sequence to achieve further learning, creative associations, and possible solutions to a problem posed

In SuperMemo, use Ctrl+F2 to initiate neural review on any topic, item, picture, video, etc.

Neural creativity is similar to problem solving except it feeds the brain with pre-selected knowledge that may provide creative association that underlie incremental progress towards the solution.

Ideas behind neural creativity are not new and may date back to the origins of storing human knowledge. Vannevar Bush envisioned a similar process based on microfilm devices and called it associative trails (1930s).

For more see:

This glossary entry is used to explain SuperMemo, a pioneer of spaced repetition software since 1987