Petition to the Ombudsman to End School Coercion
The petition to the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights Prof. Marcin Wiacek:
Petition to the Ombudsman of Civil Rights Prof. Marcin Wiacek
We are proposing a constitutional ban on the use of coercion in education.
Forcing children to learn is a violation of their right to decide their own destiny.
Coercion violates the principles of the art of learning.
Compulsory schooling has a bad effect on children's mental health and underlies many social pathologies
Sign the petition (written in Polish, opened to the entire world)
Expert support
- Dr Peter Gray: world's most prominent expert on self-directed education
- Tom Durrie: author, ex-teacher, 60 years of combating compulsory schooling
- Je'anna L Clements: author of books about the harm of coercive schooling
- Derry Hannam: ex-teacher and inspector, author, practitioner and researcher of education for democracy
- Marcin Stiburski: pioneer of the concept of the Minimal School
- Dr Piotr Wozniak: pioneer of spaced repetition and incremental reading
- Christian Ostrowski: rebellious teacher, creator of "School Sucks"
- Mariusz Truszkowski: pioneer of on-line schooling in Poland (see: TED talk in Polish)
- Wojtek Gawlik: activist teacher known for his EDU-klaster
Polish original
Petycja do Rzecznika Praw Obywatelski (Prof. Marcin Wiącek)
Wnioskujemy o konstytucyjny zakaz stosowania przymusu w edukacji. Zmuszanie dzieci do nauki jest pogwałceniem ich prawa do decydowania o własnym losie. Przymus szkolny jest sprzeczny z zasadami sztuki uczenia się. Przymus szkolny ma zły wpływ na zdrowie psychiczne dzieci i leży u podstaw wielu patologii społecznych
Powyzsza petycja ma poparcie autorytetow swiata nauki i edukacji w Polsce i na swiecie
Popular questions
See: FAQ: Ban on school coercion
Petition picture
Picture courtesy of Obozy demokratyczne and Pixabay:
Student Spring 2024
This text explains the reasons and strategies behind a school strike "Student Spring 2024" aimed at ending compulsory schooling
Hashtags: #WiosnaUczniow, #StudentSpring2024
More information:
- Student Spring 2023 (English) and Wiosna Uczniow 2024 (Polish)
- Coercion: FAQ (English) and FAQ (Polish)
- School choice: FAQ (English) and FAQ (Polish)
- End School Slavery hub for initiatives aimed at ending coercion in education
- End School Slavery: new wiki for international community
- Facebook group in English: End School Slavery (explained in End School Slavery)
- Facebook group in Polish: Koniec Przymusu Szkolnego (explained here in English: Koniec Przymusu Szkolnego)