Problem of Schooling
All my life I have worshiped free learning (i.e. self-directed, and self-paced self-learning). I love learning with SuperMemo. I have long forgotten my 22 long years of schooling. In the past, each time someone asked me about my formula for the perfect modern education system, I would say I have no idea. I like free learning. However, by 2016, I have reached a breaking point. I know dozens of kids and teens. Some of them are users of SuperMemo, some are kids of my friends or family, others I know from a football field. They almost universally hate school. The older they are, the more intense the feeling. To me, learning is one of the most enjoyable things in the world. Why would school be such a torture. In late August 2016, the heat of the summer was unbearable. I love the optimism that comes with the sun. It stood in stark contrast with those long faces of kids who knew that in a few days, they would have to go to school again.
Then I vowed "I would never send my kids to school". I see that we fail our kids dismally.
This free book tries to explain the problem, and suggests a solution.
Printable version
"I would never send my kids to school" (2017)
Chapters that are missing in the original printable version from 2017 are marked with '*' below:
Brain science
- Learn drive: origins of human curiosity
- Pleasure of learning: good learning is always pleasurable
- Pleasure of knowing * knowing things is pleasurable
- Pleasure of communication * communicating one's ideas is pleasurable
- Biederman model: how pleasure emerges in good learning
- Education counteracts evolution: schools squander the blessings of evolution
- Natural creativity cycle: cycling changes between focused learning, creative exploration, and their mirrors in sleep
- Knowledge in creative problem solving * supply of new knowledge is necessary to sustain creativity
- Optimum push zone: coercion is wrong, but there are minor exceptions
- Brain is a perfectly adaptable device * brain development is optimum in conditions of freedom
- Baby management: micromanaging a child's life is bad for intelligence
- How baby brain does not work: brain mythology makes parent scramble for early academic instruction
- Daycare misery: negative effects of separating babies from their moms
- Stress resilience: acute stress may help resilience, while chronic stress is a brain cell killer
- Confusing creativity with ADHD * creative kids are wild
- Sleep deprivation amplifies the harm of schooling * sleepy kids may unlearn while learning
- Can coercion cause dyslexia? * coercion in learning may have awful side effects
- Evolving a smarter brain: pushing the brain beyond its limits has no evolutionary value
- Precocity paradox * developmental delays may turn out to be good news
- School damages your brain * Many years of schooling result in maladaptive changes to brain architecture
- Feedback in learning * high quality feedback determines high quality learning of complex tasks
- Education cannot be constrained by developmental milestones * freedom is always optimum
- Circuit metaphor of the learn drive * curiosity is generated by a fragile circuit
- Chimps hate school too * history of language learning in apes highlights the failures of schooling
- Ban schools, not TikTok * schools sue social media to prevent doing harm to the youth. Social media should sue back to stop schools from hurting children!
- Forgetting curve *
- Childhood amnesia
- Toxic memory
- Semantic learning *
- Asemantic learning *
- Semantic aspects of childhood amnesia *
- Conceptualization theory of childhood amnesia *
- How school turns off memory *
- Error of Ebbinghaus forgetting curve *
- Bad learning contributes to Alzheimer's *
The system
- 10 mortal sins of schooling *
- 100 bad habits learned at school *
- Why schools fail
- Why kids hate school?
- Schools suppress the learn drive
- Learned helplessness vs. learn drive
- Schools violate the Genius Checklist *
- Mythology of schooling *
- Schools are useless in teaching English! *
- Learning history: school vs. self-directed learning *
- Passion and memory
- Unpleasant learning at school *
- Setting goals *
- School dropouts *
- Bill Gates is wrong about education *
- Futility of schooling *
- How school can ruin a life *
- How I invented perfect schooling *
- How schools can contribute to Alzheimer's disease *
- Would you have a heart to cage a puppy? *
- Glorification of schooling *
- Schools must reform or die *
- PISA fuels the education arms race *
- Mountain climb metaphor of schooling
- Example of the educational mountain to climb
- House building metaphor of learning *
- School vouchers are not about education *
- Finnish school paradox *
- Summer slide is an indictment of school *
- School start time *
- School choice in Sweden *
- The noose of schooling is tightening *
- Optimization trap of the coercive school system *
- The failed experiment of coercive schooling *
- College is Wildly Overrated *
- Teaching is dead * artificial intelligence today is as boring as teachers, but it keeps improving
- Insidious coercion * proponents of educational freedom often swap coercion with a set of tools that can do even more harm
- Videogames are better than teachers * many educators condemn videogames which are a fantastic learning tool
- Don't teach your child to read * Reading became the chief harmful obsession of parents and education systems around the world
- Tunnel vision of school letteracy * compulsory curriculum is a strait jacket on creativity and innovation
- Adults are incapable of empathy in education * School system survives on adult ignorance
- Dangers of being a Straight A student * great students often end up unhappy as adults
- Curriculum lag * instead of letting kids adapt to the modern world, we force them to learn the rules of past reality
- Asemantic curriculum * curriculum is jam-packed with knowledge that has a destructive impact on conceptualization
- Abandon early math instruction! * early math instruction often leads to math anxiety in later years
- Direct instruction blocks pathways to great discoveries * modern schooling prevents the emergence of new Newtons and Einsteins
- Destructive impact of praise in learning * praise may undermine progress in learning
- Coercion in learning * coercion leads to inefficient learning and intellectual harm
- On the superiority of a rat over a schooled human * by observing a rat on an island we could learn how education should look like
- Learning to navigate uncertainty and complexity * freedom in learning is necessary to breed great problem solvers
- Don't teach your child to read * early reading instruction contributes to school hate and dyslexia
- Do we need teachers? * perfect education would replace teachers with intellectual companions
- Prussian discipline inevitably destroys education * school discipline destroys quality learning
- Myth: students are lazy * happy children are converted into lazy individuals by schooling
- Reading wars are over (phonics vs. whole language) * reading skills emerge best in natural reading
- Inherent problems of classroom schooling * classrooms are inherently bad for learning
- Crushing student convictions * convictions and prior knowledge determine learning trajectories
- Optimum class size * after a lot of deliberation, the optimum size is 1.4
- Never trust parents nor teachers * children are the best source of knowledge about their own learning
- Handwriting is dead * in digital age, handwriting declines in importance, but not at school
- Hating school and loving money * compulsory schooling produces sad societies with sad goals
- School intimidation * intimidation is a popular tool uses in executing compliance in coercive education
- Child is always right * Optimality of the learn drive is hard to comprehend (see also: Optimality of the learn drive)
- Schooled people do not understand free learning * Schooled mind perceives the world differently
- On freedom of education and freedom of information * Children should be free, so should we in accessing the world of information
- Ban on homeschooling * Evil forces representing dark ages of education are still lurking in shadows. Lawyers are often the most schooled people. As such, they want to school the entire world
- Elizabeth Bartholet: ignorant attack on homeschooling * Martha Fineman and Elizabeth Bartholet are professors of law who would want to deepen child slavery
- Hall of Fame of Educational Liberation * Some names will never be forgotten. Future of free learning will stand on the shoulders of many giants
- Psychology 101 for Dr Phil: Unschooling FAQ * A comedy with a PhD can be particularly entertaining
- How to recognize a fake unschooler? * Opponents of unschooling are also guilty of manufacturing fake news
Information science
- Modern education is a threat to the survival of mankind *
- School undermines intelligence *
- Learntropy
- Exponential acceleration in free learning *
- Proof: Internet makes us smarter *
- Compulsory schooling must end *
- Declaration of Educational Emancipation *
- ABC of Education Reform *
- Education Reform *
- Reform: Health care vs. Education *
- Modern schooling is like Soviet economy *
- Utopian visions: Education via-a-vis North Korea *
- Children should have the right to vote *
- School curriculum is inherently political *
- On mandatory adult education *
- We need more bad schools *
- Peter Gray under attack from Larry Sanger *
- History curriculum can shape nationalist attitudes *
- School slavery will end soon *
- Woz in Polish Parliament *
- Dyslexia conspiracy * a billion-dollar business that refuses to die
- Daycare infections * the myth of the immune training
- I have ADHD and I love it * why ADHD should be seen as a good thing
- Scientists invent TikTok use disorder (TTUD) * science in the service of popular demand
- Dr Phil's failed mission * how "genius" of psychology struggles to understand the nature of learning
- Coercive school system is responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic * well-schooled societies are vulnerable to pandemics
- Compulsory schooling must end *
- Evolution or Revolution? *
- Petition to End School Coercion *
- FAQ: How to end coercion? *
- Declaration of Educational Emancipation *
- The Greatest Minds in History Opposed Coercion in Education *
- Children should have the right to vote *
- Compulsory schooling can accelerate the collapse of civilization *
- End school slavery *
- End school slavery (Poland) *
- School slavery will end soon *
- Education as a human right *
- School is prison *
- School strike *
- How can I read faster? *
- How schools kill SuperMemo and incremental reading *
- SuperMemo does not work for kids *
- Spaced repetition does not work in a classroom *
- Serendipitous impact of mindless cramming *
- Incremental writing: Problem of schooling *
Color codes
Excerpts: mark the most remarkable or influential words taken from other authors. At times, putting things in my own words would not do justice to the original
Motto: some witty idea or quote from a wise man, usually from ages ago. A quote that sets the theme for a chapter. Those witticisms often help us realize that we are re-learning history over and over again. The ancients knew things many people fail to see today
Your Help
If you see errors, distortions, inaccuracies or would like to contribute to this article, write to me