Spanish kids strike against homework
This reference is used to annotate "I would never send my kids to school" (2017) by Piotr Wozniak
Spanish kids announced a strike against homework (2016).
According to a 2016 study by the World Health Organisation, 30% of Spanish 11-year-olds feel stressed by the amount of homework they have to do, rising to 65% by the age of 15
Parents and educators complain of too much homework.
State schools have no system of coordination between teachers so students might get work from all eight or nine subjects at the same time
As it often is the case, the problem begins with bloated curriculum:
The national curriculum is impossible to cover. Each education reform talks about modernising the methodology and moving away from memorising things to working on skills, and then adds more material to the syllabus
Title: Spanish kids strike against homework
Author: James Badcock
Backlink: Education Reform