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Teacher is a partially interactive provider of knowledge for students.


Throughout SuperMemo Guru, the teacher is primarily understood as a schoolteacher, i.e. an employee of the school systems. For private one-on-one teachers, I try to stick to the term tutor. Educators, mentors, gurus and role models do not qualify either unless they are school teachers at the same time.

I exclude parents from the definition of the teacher even though they are often considered most important teachers. I am not a teacher either. What I provide at SuperMemo Guru are just my thoughts that students and adults can consume voluntarily.

Teachers are great

All teachers I know are lovely people. All teachers I talk to regularly are highly intelligent and deeply concerned about the well-being of their students. This does not mean that all teachers are great. I often meet teachers who just refuse to talk. When they know that I am a "man with an agenda" (i.e. I write texts that denounce compulsory schooling), they may be doubly reluctant. In that excluded set of mute teachers, there must be some bad apples. After all, I also talk to kids, and they nearly always can point to some awful teachers doing some awful things. I also had an awful teacher that years later turned out to be a lovely lady.

Bad apples

Kids are often wrong when judging their teachers. They can see only one side of the picture. However, when children are unhappy at school, we always need to look for some change. Great teachers also need to change if they contribute to that unhappiness. Sadly, more often than not, they cannot change because they are part of a coercive system. Their job and pay often depend on doing things that harm children.

Personal anecdote. Why use anecdotes?
Kids are often wrong. I know it all too well because I met the teacher who I nominated for the title of the "worst teachers in my life". Twelve years after my last class, she turned out to be a charming lady, who happened to remember me as her "worst student". How come, two mortal enemies meet, drink coffee, and have a great chat about schooling? I blame the system. When a teacher with a disciplinarian mindset meets a rebellious kid, things often go wrong. Compulsory schooling must end. For more see: My worst teacher

Do we need teachers?

See: Do we need teachers?

This glossary entry is used to explain "I would never send my kids to school" (2017-2024) by Piotr Wozniak